Saturday, December 5, 2009

Calculating the square root of 2 longhand

There are many numerical methods to calculate square roots. This is the long hand method I learned in junior high. It produces one (accurate) digit at a time, but the working numbers get larger each iteration. Eventually, it bogs down because it is doing math with integers hundreds, then thousands of digits long.

Still, it is fun for tinkering. If you run this Ruby script as is, it will calculate the square root of 2 to 1,000 digits. To adjust the precision, change the number of iterations on this line:

while iterations < 1000

Here is the entire script...

# calculate a square root of 2 using longhand

def newroot(divisor, doubleroot)
# calculate new root
# formula is doubleroot _ * _ = closest to divisor
# try 9, then 8, then 7 ...

i = 9
while i >= 0
multiple1 = (doubleroot.to_s + i.to_s).to_i
multiple2 = i
product = multiple1 * multiple2

if product <= divisor
# found new root
root = i
# get modulus
modulus = divisor - product
i = i - 1

return root, modulus

roots =

# the nearest root to 2 is 1

root = 1
remainder = 2 - root

doubleroot = root * 2
divisor = remainder * 100

iterations = 0

while iterations < 1000
root,remainder = newroot(divisor, doubleroot)

# compute new doubleroot

return root, modulus

roots =

# the nearest root to 2 is 1

root = 1
remainder = 2 - root

doubleroot = root * 2
divisor = remainder * 100

iterations = 0

while iterations < 1000
root,remainder = newroot(divisor, doubleroot)

# compute new doubleroot
doubleroot = roots.to_s.to_i * 2

# compute divisor
divisor = remainder * 100

iterations = iterations + 1

print "iteration " + iterations.to_s + "\n"

print "final roots are " + roots.to_s + "\n"